Hermosa Beach city council requires a genuine taxpayer advocate who will focus his efforts on visible, usable, improvements that produce betterment for the residents and guests of Hermosa Beach. Primary goals include street & sewer repair, public park restoration, improved public safety and being business friendly. Tax dollars working to upgrade city cleanliness, enhance the green belt, open north school, revitalize Clark field, refurbish the Clark building, resurface damaged streets, and relieving homelessness in Hermosa Beach. Protecting our small-town charm with enhanced public space beautification, vigorous defense of local zoning control, and supporting local business.
Police Officers patrolling Hermosa Beach is mission critical to public safety. Protecting and defending our hometown includes securing police officer’s employment. Our newly hired officers are being recruited and courted away by surrounding cities. Putting the brakes on excessive staffing will allow city hall to be more flexible in retaining quality police officers in Hermosa Beach.
Homelessness is growing in Hermosa Beach. Additional funding for the people assisting the homeless (PATH) and vigorous enforcement of our city codes will help minimize the impacts of homelessness. Preventing homeless encampments in our public spaces such as the greenbelt and the beach is critically important to maintaining our small-town charm.
Enhanced beautification and increased city cleanliness make Hermosa Beach better. Optimized landscaping activity, frequent strand & plaza power washing and stepped up trash removal will go a long way to freshening up our public spaces.
Park restoration, including new fencing, landscaping, playground equipment, sod replacement, restroom refreshment, and retrofitting the schoolhouse at Fort Lots of Fun lead the list of priorities. Greenbelt maintenance include large tree trimming, landscaping shrubbery, wildflower gardens, and urban habitat restoration.
Empower Hermosa Beach nonprofits by allowing for fee waivers at events held in Hermosa Beach. Charging Hermosa Beach nonprofits for hosting charitable events does not serve the residents, charity volunteers, or city hall. Support local business by limiting the size and scope of summer events such as The Teen Choice Awards. Continuation and promotion of the Fiesta Hermosa, resurfacing and painting the downtown parking lots, and limiting the costs of special permitting fees. Equally important is keeping Hermosa Avenue to a double lane street each direction, preventing short term rentals from proliferating city wide and holding annual parking permit & parking meter prices in check.
Earmark measure H funds for specific City improvements related to policing, public park improvements, and relieving homelessness. Say no to City managed electricity via community choice aggregation, the loss of Beach Drive & 13th Court on the Pier Plaza, and the permitting of shared mobility devices such and Bird or Lime scooters stationed in Hermosa.
Key accomplishments for consideration include tenure within Los Angeles successfully conducting business services enterprise sales 1986-2019. Five years of continuous active involvement with the Hermosa Beach city council. Offering opinions, advice, praise, and objections. AYSO soccer head coach 2014-2017, Hermosa youth basketball head coach 2010 -2013. This November 5th Elect Trent Larson Hermosa Beach City Council.
Trent Bernard Larson
Committee ID# 1419496